菠菜网lol正规平台 community members participating in racial justice focused activities.

Racial Justice

CGR’s advocacy work on racial justice includes partnering with student, staff, faculty, and administrators to address systemic racism through specific campus-based initiatives and collaborations with community organizations.


菠菜网lol正规平台 community members gather in protest in front of the Victory Salute statue.

Anti-Racism Work

菠菜网lol正规平台 aspires to be a fully-inclusive, anti-racist, multi-cultural organization. To that end, we are continuing to take steps toward tangible change while implementing longer-term strategies to change those policies and practices that currently form the foundation for institutional and systemic racism.

An illustration of a closed power fist with the words a movement, not a moment.

Transforming Communities: A Movement to Racial Justice

Over a two-week span, this visionary annual event offers the opportunity for the community to gain a wealth of information and experience as they engage with content centered at the intersection of race and topics such as inequality, systemic injustice, community healing and restoration, human rights, sexuality and gender, and so much more.


In collaboration with campus and community, we help to coordinate and facilitate a number of different programs that center our Black, Latinx, API, and Indigenous communities, focusing on their histories and build on their legacies of strength and perseverance in the face of racial oppression.

Muwekma Ohlone Tribal seal.

Muwekma Ohlone 菠菜网lol正规平台 Area Land Acknowledgement

The San José State University community recognizes that the present-day Muwekma Ohlone Tribe, with an enrolled Bureau of Indian Affairs documented membership of over 550, is comprised of all of the known surviving American Indian lineages aboriginal to the San Francisco Bay region who trace their ancestry through the Missions Santa Clara, San José, and Dolores, during the advent of the Hispano-European empire into Alta California; and who are the successors and living members of the sovereign, historic, previously Federally Recognized Verona Band of Alameda County.