Grant Resources
Now that you have been awarded an Artistic Excellence Programming Grant, it's time to get started on planning the details of your event, inviting other faculty to integrate your project into their courses, and managing your budget. As you progress through your implementation of the project, consider creating behind-the-scenes content that we can post to our Stories of Engagement. The below resources will help you with all of these details to produce and document a successful program, event, exhibit, or workshop.
"Best of" Awards
To recognize extraordinary efforts by AEPG event coordinators, we are providing two $1,000 professional development awards to the AEPG projects that best represent each category below:
- Community Engagement (1 award): This category recognizes the AEPG project that robustly invites the non-菠菜网lol正规平台 community in, not just as observers but as contributors to and members of the "conversation." Community engagement can be captured by administering this engagement survey, demonstrating community interaction in your final report, and submitting a story of engagement.
- Interdisciplinary Engagement (1 award): This category recognizes the AEPG project that collaborates robustly and widely with students and faculty outside the projects' department, school, or similar discipline by, for example, implementing collaborative assignments and projects or creating learning communities and common intellectual experiences. Example: the AEPG project is embedded into a course with an assignment and prominent student interaction (beyond attending the event); ideally, the interdisciplinary engagement is between, e.g., visual art and philosophy, or music and foreign languages, or dance and literatures. Engagement beyond our college is highly recommended, e.g., Computer Science and Design.
- Implement the engagement survey by distributing the link to the students, community members, and attendees at your event.
- Submit your final report within 30 days of the conclusion of your event or May 15 (for those events in late April & May only).
The awards will be decided at the conclusion of the Spring semester based upon each AEPG project engagement survey responses, final report, and an optional story of engagement submission. The awards committee will consist of the Dean, Director of Public Programming, Associate Dean of Research & Faculty Success, and Associate Dean of Student Success.
Past Winners
- Reiko Kataoka, "The Meaning of Linguistic Diversity" (Community Engagement, 2022-2023)
- J. Michael Martinez, "Poetic Alchemy" (Interdisciplinary Engagement, 2022-2023)
Getting Started
- Create your Working Budget (see template)
- Read the Budget FAQ
- Check out the Teaching Resources for sharing assignments
- Get Help: Katherine D. Harris, Director of Public Programming, Open Office Hours | Email
- Attend Coordinators' Monthly Meetings (see GCal invites)
- AEPG Coordinators’ Google Group:
- AEPG Coordinators’ Meeting Notes Google Folder
Details for Your Event & Budget
- Event Planning Guide
- How to create an 菠菜网lol正规平台 Event Calendar listing
- Marketing Help & AEPG Logo
- Budget FAQ
- Planning for Online Events
- Integrating Events into Interdisciplinary Curriculum
- Easy Ways to Create "Engagement"
- Assessing the Success of Your Event (engagement survey) - required
Final Report & Archiving
- Final Report (due 30 days after your event) - required
- Creating Stories of Engagement
- Archiving & Documenting your event
- Add Assignment to Teaching Resources